Printmaking Calls

This list is intended to function as a resource for printmakers. We cannot guaruntee the list is complete, nor does inclusion on this list constitute an endorsement by Printsy. We will however endeavour to gather all this information in a single place, ensure the links function, and list eligibility requirements (in terms of artist residency and citizenship - details of the requirements for submissions are at the linked sites). We're very happy to add your call for submissions to our list, or amend information! Please drop us a line. Leave a comment on this blog or contact us through our Printsy Etsy forums Print Call thread.

If you’re an emerging printmaker who is new to submitting, please consider reading DCimPRINT’s handy guide, Printmaking 101: Applying for shows, first.

Other resources:

List of Printmaking Competitions, Exhibits, Exchanges and Artist in Residence Opportunities

  •  Bainbridge Open Print Show (London, UK) Entry Deadline: Entries to be submitted by 24:00 on 10 April 2013. Accepted work to be received by 3 or 4 May. Eligibility: not stated, traditional printmaking methods, 3 JPEGs can be submitted, 20£ fee
  •  WPG National Small Works Show Early bird deadline: April 17, 2013 ($20/4 images). Final deadline: May 18, 2013 ($30/4 images). Eligibility: printmakers age 18+ residing in the continental United States creating traditional, hand-pulled prints under 170 square inches.
  •  ARTspace Original International Print Exchange & Exhibit, Chatham, Ontario, Canada Deadline: submit from April 17 to May 25, 2013 Eligibility: An open call has been put out to artists, print studios and forums across the globe asking printmakers to create a print with a paper size no larger than 5 inches x 5 inches (12.7cm x 12.7cm) and an image size no larger than 4 inches by 4 inches (10.7cm x 10.7cm) in an edition of ten. Each artist will have one of their prints on display and for sale at the standard price of $75.00 + tax while the rest of the prints will be distributed among other participants, ensuring each artist will receive a suite of different prints.
  •  Hazelhurst Art Award (Sydney Australia) Entry Deadline: Entries to be submitted by 17:00 on 6 May 2013. Accepted work to be received by 14 June. Eligibility: apparently international, juried, $45 AUD Entry Fee per item.
    $15,000 AUD prize plus several smaller prizes
  •  Print People Print Exchange 2013 Entry Deadline: Receive June 1, 2013 Eligibility: Worldwide, cost $15, submit 12 editioned prints of an edition of 12 or more, 6"x8" prints, open theme