Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Printsy Interviews in Review

Out of idle curiosity, I thought I'd scroll back through the posts on Printsy to see how many interviews we've covered, and who might be represented. My goodness, we have a plethora of extra-ordinarily talented printmakers on our roster!! I'm going to be reviewing these interviews in groups of ten, as there are just too darned many to get all in one go. Here's our first group:

Marissa Buschow - fustian
Chelsea Groves - birdnerd
Annie Bissett - anniebissett
Ellen Shipley - ellenshipley
Leanne Graeff - leannegraeff
Amie Roman - ploverwing
Ele Willoughby - minouette

Lapwing Printworks - spoonergregory
Kylie Budge - mizudesigns
Kate Nydam Meberg - nydampress

Thank you, ladies & gentlemen, for your fabulous contributions towards the content of our blog. I'm positive that our readers have enjoyed your work and your words as much as I have, and I look forward to being able to share more talent in the coming months with some more great interviews scheduled, and to remind everyone of the great interviews we've already had!

If you're keen to participate, please contact me to let me know; this is a great feature and I'd love to keep it running.

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