ALondoner born and raised, I have lived in and explored various partsof this city. I went to Central Saint Martins art college and thenhave done lots of exciting bits and pieces, including a few yearsworking full time in fashion and even a one-time biscuit icer! I amcurrently working freelance and getting into creative projects withdifferent client groups within the community.
Ienjoy drawing, painting and collaging and find print a good way tocombine ideas and be more selective with colour, shape and line. Ireally like the way you can build up layers, too.
Whatis your favorite print medium and why?
Istill remember the day I learned to screen print at art school. Eventhough I had done other printing before, like mono printing and a fewother techniques and enjoyed them, I got this feeling of excitement and amazing rush that I'd discovered my 'thing'. I didn't want toleave the print studio!
Howlong have you been printing and how has your work evolved?
I've beenprinting for roughly 8 years, I love to experiment, so my initialwork was very experimental, but having had industry experiencedesigning in-house for fashion companies, I've definitely learned todesign in a more controlled way for specific clients, too.
Colour.I am inspired by the way it's used in art, particularly abstractexpressionist artists like Rothko, Kiefer, Klee where the colour isstrong and evokes emotions. I'm inspired by things I see around thecity, the contrast between the urban landscape, nature breakingthrough and layers of history breaking through; unusual flowers,noisy birds, misplaced trees, clear blue skies over rigid greybuildings, historical architecture, ripped posters revealing hiddenimages. I love finding unusual things from the past and beautifulvintage fabrics - I often go to car boot sales and flea markets insearch of eclectic objects.
Howdo your promote your work?
Mainly through word of mouth, but havingan Etsy shop has been a great way to start reaching peopleinternationally. I also have a blog and have started to tweet...
Areyou working on any particular projects now?

Tellus one random fact about yourself:
Icollect deers! I really like their calm nature, how graceful theyseem and living in London it is very rare that I get to see them sothey are quite exotic to me. So far I have deers that are pink,wooden, red, sparkly, ceramic, tiny and even flocked.
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